Sunday, July 27, 2008

Karela - aka Drumsticks

Instead of Jack and the Bean stalk, let us call it Luke and the Karela-stalk...Well, for those of you that are impressed by gardening and home-grown vegatables, especially home-grown Indian vegetables, this picture is for you. I planted a seed about 3 years ago. The sapling grew to about 3-feet and died. The next year, it re-grew to about 12-feet, and died. Both times, no veggies. This year, it er-grew again, but this time to about 20-feet. The good news is that there are HUGE veggies on it. The bad news is, the tree is so tall, I need a ladder to get to the veggies.


Unknown said...

Wow...he looks so big in this picture...and very much like Tobi...strange =)
Can't wait to see you guys!!

Dency said...

I thought karela was pavacka(sp?). That drumstick is longer than Luke. How tall is he now?