Saturday, March 29, 2008


You know, when we were first married, we talked about the observation that you can pick out married couples from dating couples because the married ones look around. I observed that with Joyce (meaning she is an eater+watcher), but she never admitted it...until this video. I secretly taped her at the airport (this video is from 2005)!

Check out this next video (taken on March 29, 2008)... any similarities with Mom? Note the end... Joyce hasn't learned :)


Anonymous said...

It look like Mom and son has so much combination. Very good Luke looking good

sliceofisaaclife said...

oooooommigosh, this is HILARIOUS tobe!! joyce and i are so alike in this way. roby is always pointing out what an eavesdropper i am. and owie is taking after me too because at stores and restaurants he is always inquiring, "what's that lady saying?" Guess we all really are related! ;)

Dency said...

that was soooo funny!!!!

Steve, Shan & Jacob said...

That was so funny! I actually laughed out loud a couple of times. Putting that first video on the blog was a bit gutsy, Tobi. ;) Hopefully, Joyce didn't mind us all watching her eat. ;) I needed a good laugh today--thanks!