Sunday, March 23, 2008

Moody Gardens - Galveston

We took advantage of some time off and went to Galveston, TX for some R&R and QT. We stayed at the Inn at the Waterfront and spent most of our time at Moody Gardens. We had a good time. Check out the pix!

Crawfish anyone? By the way, I do not know why my iced tea came out foamy like that ;)

Here is Joyce and Luke posing with a cool bronze sculpture. I believe that it was placed in honor of lives lost in a recent hurricane.

Luke enjoyed his first stay in a hotel.

Here we are in the Rainforest.

We took the opportunity to see 150+ items recovered from the Titanic wreckage at the bottom of the Atlantic. No trace of Leonardo DiCaprio, though (watch the movie).

I look upset because it appears that Luke was looking at the right camera.

Here is Joyce and Luke on the Colonel Paddlewheel. We enjoyed a nice, breezy afternoon (well, an hour) on the water. Baby's first boat ride!

A view of the 3 pyramids of Moody Gardens - Aquarium, Discovery, and Rainforest...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

soooo cute..i LOVE the picture where he's smiling on the bed.....i found a new desktop picture, thanks! =)