Saturday, April 26, 2008

Our Annual Get-Together with The Cousins and Friends

This year, we got together in Tampa, Florida. We had a great time. We usually do this in July, but since Heather and Soby were due around the usual time, we moved it up. Man, was it a good time!

Here is me and Luke on the beach, in a tent. It was really beautiful in Tampa / St. Petersburg, Florida. What was really nice was that me and Luke had a little cat-nap under the shade on the beach. It was so serene...a nice breeze and the sound of the bay, and my little boy, snuggled up next me.

We are happy to announce that Matt and Ryn are engaged! If we time it right, our annual get-together can coincide with their honeymoon. Guys, wouldn't it be great if there were 20 of us with you on your honeymoon?
Here we are, on the street's of Ybor City, the most happening place in...Ybor City? Yeah, we never heard of the place, but it was quaint and nice. Oh...can you spot the aforementioned Heather and Soby? Hint: Soby is about to hug Heather's tummy.
Here is Luke and Owen putting Spiderman to sleep. As George Uncle can attest to, Luke's Daddy seems to have always been fond of Spidey. Genetics?
Brrrr...this water is cold! Refer to a previous posting where Luke was taking a "dip". He's grown!
Actually, the water was beautiful and comfortable.
As I look at this picture, I reflect on how great it was, and is, to be surrounded by loving family and friends. It is funny, the day before the trip is over, there is a sweet sorrow that the trip is coming to an end, but there is hope and excitement soon after, as we anticipate our next trip!We had the last flight out, so we decided to check out the Aquarium. We liked it. We rank it as a "nice experience".
What a trip! (and yes, that is his little lamb! from a previous posting)

1 comment:

DOON said...