Sunday, July 27, 2008

Luke's First Birthday!

When they say that time flies, they are not kidding. We cannot believe that Luke is already one year old. It is so fresh on my mind when he first came into the world. I hope we never forget that feeling. Absolutely, the first, and prevailing emotion I have had this first year is thankfulness. We are so thankful that we have Luke. No matter what we have going on, when we turn of the lights at night, there is so much to be thankful for. Although many of our loved ones could not be with us to celebrate his first birthday, they were not forgotten. I would have to say that one of my favorite moments at the party was when eveyone sang 'Happy Birthday' to Luke. When Joyce and I were holding him at the cake, that was the first time we were together at the party...because he was crawling around enjoying all of his friends...I do not think that he was looking for us at all. At the cake, during the candle burning, and the song singing, he was with us, and he knew that we were together, and even though he may not have known what the song was about, he seemed to really enjoy it. I will go as far as to say that that was the best rendition of the song that I have ever heard. That point was my favorite part of the day. We looked at him, and he looked at us, and I just felt so much love and thanks for our family.
The theme of the party was 'Sesame Street Babies'. Auntie Shelah and Auntie Sheena had fun with Luke, and Uncle Carlos drew caricatures (a special one for Luke). Luke's grandparents had a grand time, and of course, Joyce and I truly had a blessed time. It was so nice to have our family and friends together to celebrate.


Steve, Shan & Jacob said...

Happy 1st birthday, Luke! Wish we could have been there to celebrate your special day. Can't wait to meet you soon! ;)

Unknown said...

So sad we couldn't be there =(....though he looks like he had a wonderful time

shels39 said...

I want to put that picture in a frame!!!!!!!!!!