Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Carlos and Tracy Get Married

One of our dearest friends got married this weekend. Tracy and Carlos were married in a beautiful ceremony in Cypress, Texas. The reception was wonderful and full of love. We look forward to their lives together... they better have time to hang out!
Rachel, Bao, and Hayden (congrats on the upcoming little girl!)...
Amanda, Jason, and Nadia... I thought it was funny that it looks like Amanda's wearing a Thai Crown.
Me and Auntie Julie... good times! (see Archives)
One of Luke's favorite buddies at the wedding was Uncle Justin. Justin showed Luke how to cut a rug on the dance floor. Before you knew it, Luke was doing a split on the floor!

Without a doubt, Luke's favorite friend was, Marrissa (Tracy's youngest daughter)... TOO cute!!!

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