Monday, January 12, 2009

Thanksgiving with Friends

Again, we had a great time in Philly! We had an opportunity to hang out with the gang.

Here's Luke with Rihanna and Rahel (ooh...did i spell that right?)...

Here's Sajy and Cousin It (cousin it wears...bebe???? hmmmm who is this!!?!?!)
Rihanna is like "gee, Luke finds this amusing... yeah....amusing". Sajy, dude! Luke's been sticking his tongue out ever since! Luke is actually smiling because he just asked Uncle Sajy, "Hey, Uncle an impression of the Washington Redskins in Wk 16". Luke followed this question with, "Hey, Rihanna...what do you think about your Dad's affiliation with the Washington Redskins"?

Here's an oh-so-cute pic of Luke and Aunty Dency. Congratulations on the baby coming! We are praying for great things!

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