Monday, June 9, 2008

Our trip to Philly, Jersey, and NY

We went to the East Coast for several reasons. We had not seen the family in Philly since Luke was born. Also, our bro-in-law's sis was getting engaged. So... we had a whirlwind tour of 3 states. A lot accomplished, a lot of good times... tiring... but SO worth it!

Here's Joyce and Luke outside the house I grew up in... my parents still live there. I always enjoy and appreciate spending time there.

Where's Joyce?

Here's Kurian Appachen in NJ. We are so happy that we finally got to hook-up with him!

Here childhood chum, Girish with little Rohan. He and wife, Moida, have a beautiful home to raise young Rohan in. We enjoyed spending time with them.

We had dinner with our extended family. Here's Luke enjoying time with Stephanie, Zaneta, Auntie Pinky, Sneha, and Rebecca.

What a pretty picture. Auntie Betty's holding Luke, and they are joined by Shaun, Zaneta, and Aaron.

Me, Luke, and Abbie (sorry I keep interchanging the spelling... I think I'll go with Abigail)

We bought this, what looked like, a nice watermelon from a frat house the day after a party...

hmmmmmm.... (don't feel bad if you don't understand; Auntie Christine or Uncle Melvie, please from theory, one from experience?)
Luke is standing and addressing Cousin Mason's mom and niece (Katherine). In his address, he did mention that he does not need to refer to notes, then flung his speech behind him... I don't know what that was about, but I did NOT inquire. Luke gets that was sometimes... :)


Cousin Mason and Cousin Bindu...we spent the night at their house, and we really enjoyed it. Thanks guys!

Reeja and Jiby - engaged; what a nice couple. We wish them all the best.

This picture right here is a prayer answered for me. I am very thankful that Luke can spend time with his Grandfather, and the my Dad can spend time with his Grandson. VERY thankful...

We wish the Abigail and Luke could spend more time together. They seem like they always have something to say to each other, but they just do not have enough time :(

At the end of a long trip, I am always happy to have my wife and my son with me (sorry, wife not pictured; she is taking the picture). Here's me and my boy, walking together to enjoy what God has created for us.


Anonymous said...

beautiful pics.cute boy:)

Steve, Shan & Jacob said...

Love all the new pics! So glad you guys were able to spend time with your families. I especially love that last shot of Tobi and Luke--that one should be framed. ;)